Introducing Our Arbitrum Treasury Wallet

Spherium Finance
2 min readMar 23, 2023


Since conception, Spherium Finance has strived for decentralization and scalability through the adoption and collaboration with Layer 2 chains. Today, we are proud to announce the launch of our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet on Arbitrum Chain. As a recipient of the Arbitrum Airdrop, we aim to make the best use of this opportunity to incentivize the adoption of the Arbitrum chain and empower our community.

With multi-sig wallets offering a higher level of security compared to single-sig wallets due to their requirement for multiple private keys to sign a transaction, Spherium Finance confirms that security is a core component for the continuous development of its ecosystem. This approach will ensure that no single individual has control over the funds prioritizing decentralization and provides an additional layer of security against hacks and attcas.

Introducing Our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet

Our project is excited to announce the launch of our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet on Arbitrum Chain. The wallet address is 0x2c41fB81cFc64CD1373058F2a13289819641d223.

The wallet currently has three delegated signees:

The multi sig on Arbitrum is owned by the following signors:



3. 0x7dE2D8E67BC0c30cB62B3F57cF6A992F007

For transparency purposes, these are the founder’s wallet addresses that are delegated to sign transactions until our DAO is launched. After the DAO is launched, the founders will give control of the treasury to the DAO.

How Will Our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet Benefit the Community?

Our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet will be used to incentivize the adoption of the Arbitrum chain and to fund community-driven initiatives, starting with our Arbitrum Token ($ARB) Airdrop that aims to secure Arbitrum adoption. As a project, we strongly believe in empowering the community through decentralizing decision-making. With the launch of our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet, we are taking the needed significant step towards decentralization.

Arbitrum Adoption: A Step Towards Decentralization and Scalability

Our project is committed to promoting the growth of the blockchain ecosystem. We believe in the power of decentralization and are excited to contribute to the growth of the Arbitrum chain. With the launch of our Treasury Multi-Sig Wallet, we aim to incentivize the adoption of the Arbitrum chain and empower our community. We encourage supporters and crypto enthusiasts to explore the Arbitrum ecosystem and join us in building a decentralized future.

